Environmental Social Governance

Environmental, Social & Governance

Building a positive legacy in the communities in which we operate.

At Remaya, we view ESG as a journey, and like all journeys how we navigate ours will differ to others.

Following a period of rapid growth through acquisitions, our priority has been to consolidate and harmonize our approach to ESG across the business. We are proud of the step change improvements we have made that will continue to strengthen our company and its operations. We are committed to working responsibly, in a manner that manages our impacts and contributes to building a positive legacy beyond the life of our mines, recognizing that our ESG performance is integral to our long- term business success and ability to generate value for our stakeholders.

We are dedicated to ensuring our ESG strategies and performance align with and is evaluated against globally recognised ESG reporting frameworks and initiatives such as the Equator Principles and IFC Performance Standards, Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), the Responsible Gold Mining Principles (RGMPs) and the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


As environmental stewards, we are focused on the responsible use and protection of natural resources we share. 

Environmental management is an operational requirement and is fundamental to maintaining compliance with our obligations and effectively managing risk and impact. We recognize the significance of climate change and strive to take a proactive approach to minimizing our environmental footprint by identifying and implementing appropriate controls to manage them, including the responsible use of critical resources such as water and energy.

We are committed to the responsible management of our Tailings Storage Facilities (TSFs). A risk-based approach is adopted for TSF management throughout all stages of the TSF life cycle, from initial design through to construction, operation and eventual decommissioning and closure. Our TSFs are operated in line with the Cameroon National Committee of Large Dams standards and country-specific regulatory requirements. In addition, we have embarked on a programme to align our processes to the Global Industry Standard of Tailings Management (GISTM).


We are committed to be a positive force in our host countries, making meaningful contributions to our communities through local employment, training and wellbeing. 

At Remaya, we believe our people are the foundation of our success, which is why our approach to people management is critical to our overall business activities. We strive to provide a safe and inclusive work environment for our workers whilst mitigating our environmental and social impacts through our contribution to social development of our host communities and countries.

To create tangible benefits for our host communities, we ensure our ESG strategies align with the United Nationals Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To date, our activities have contributed to progressing social development in relation to several goals. This includes implementing awareness and screening campaigns targeting malaria, AIDs, diabetes, breast cancer and cervical cancer (SDG 3 – Good Health and Wellbeing), creating professional development opportunities for our workforce and youth (SDG 4 – Quality Education), proactively managing water usage (SDG 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation), promoting a local and diverse workforce (SDG 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth), building an inclusive and equitable workforce (SDG 10 – Reduce Inequalities), and fostering ethical and respectful behaviour in our people (SDG 16  – Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions).


At Remaya, our commitment to operating in a safe, ethical manner underpins our approach to governance.

In addition to our close relationships with the governments in which we operate in, we align our practices with globally recognised standards and initiatives for sustainable development and environment management including the World Gold Council Responsible Gold Mining Principles.

Our highly credentialed Board of Directors ensure compliance to the Company’s governance documentation and corporate policies that outline the standards of ethical behaviour expected from our people, and when conducting business.